Summer Hiking with Kids

Written by: Bryna Campbell


It’s officially the Summer season! Do you have an outdoor adventure (or two or three) planned with kids?

Whether it’s camping, hiking, or just hanging out at a park, we’ve got you covered with a few tips and reminders before you head out.

1) Check the trail before you. 
If you haven’t been out on a trail in a while - or even if you have - it’s always a good idea to check it's conditions before you plan your trip. Any number of issues (from a state regulations to park maintenance) can cause a temporary closure.  

2) Protect that skin. 
Time to get out the sunscreen, if you haven’t already! We live in the PNW where a good half of the year is misty, and I’ll admit, sometimes it can be hard to remember on cloudier days.

That’s no excuse -  80% of UV rays pass through clouds.  So don’t let any “gray gloom” be an excuse to go sunscreen free. 

3) Stay hydrated and fueled up!  
It’s always a good idea to bring water and snacks on a hike matter what the season. When it’s warm out, it’s especially important to bring extra water because kids (and adults) can more easily become dehydrated. If you have a kid with a stubborn tendency to forget to drink H20, consider getting them a special bottle that will make hydration more fun. The folks at Raising Kids Wild also have a great idea that can help: use hiking as a time to try out new snacks.  This way, breaks for rehydration and fueling have an added element of fun. 

4) Watch for "leaves of three."
Summer season is also poison oak and poison ivy season. Before you go on the trail, learn what these plants look like and teach kids to avoid them. If you are going on a trail that might have these plants, wear socks and closed shoes to help protect ankles and toes. 

5) Beware of ticks.
If you are outdoors in a tick-heavy area, wear long pants and be sure to examine yourself and your kids for ticks when you return.

We’d love to hear from you with your advice to help with summer hiking. If you have a tip to share, leave it in the comments below.  Happy and safe adventuring everyone! 


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