Big Ideas Bryna Campbell Big Ideas Bryna Campbell

Reflecting on the Fall 2023 Institutes for Changemakers

November wrapped up an especially busy season for the Institutes for Changemakers, a multi-week online intensive for professionals that dives deeply into transformation and change, empowering participants towards action and equipping them with a road map to achieve their individual and, when applicable, institutional goals.

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Super Nature Kids, Big Ideas Bryna Campbell Super Nature Kids, Big Ideas Bryna Campbell

Celebrating Winter Solstice

Winter solstice is a wonderful time for families with kids to connect with the outdoors. This phenomenon can remind us of how we connect to the night sky and solar system, and gives us time to reflect on the values of rest and hibernation that we see in so many animals and plants this time of year. Need ideas to mark the winter solstice with your kids this year? Here are four ideas to help get you started.

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Super Nature Kids, Big Ideas Bryna Campbell Super Nature Kids, Big Ideas Bryna Campbell

Honoring Winter Solstice in 2021

Winter solstice is a wonderful time for families with kids to connect with the outdoors. This phenomenon can remind us of how we connect to the night sky and solar system, and gives us time to reflect on the values of rest and hibernation that we see in so many animals and plants this time of year. Need ideas to mark the winter solstice with your kids this year? Here are four ideas to help get you started.

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Super Nature Kids, Big Ideas Bryna Campbell Super Nature Kids, Big Ideas Bryna Campbell

Celebrating the Autumn Equinox

The autumnal equinox is an exciting time of year to get outdoors and explore. In autumn, the equinox is marked by changes in the natural world that signal a maturation and preparation for the winter months. It has affiliations with harvest, abundance, gathering, slowing down, and gratitude. Need ideas to celebrate autumn equinox with your kids this year? Here are four ideas to help get you started.

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Big Ideas Michael Murawski Big Ideas Michael Murawski

The Learning Power of Maps

Growing up, maps were such a key part of making connections with the places I lived, visited, or even imagined. It’s no wonder that my professional work has brought me back to this love of maps, and more specifically to the ways that maps can function as far more than a simple navigational tool. Whether I am designing a map on my own or teaching a map workshop with kids, I am thinking constantly about the ways that maps broaden perspectives and help us make meaningful connections to the larger world.

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Big Ideas, Super Nature Kids Bryna Campbell Big Ideas, Super Nature Kids Bryna Campbell

Earth Day, Reciprocity, and the Honorable Harvest

Earth Day is an annual event occurring on April 22 that honors the cause of environmental activism and its past, present, and ongoing efforts to solve a whole host of environmental crises ranging from climate change, to pollution and air quality, to the right to clean water for all. For many, it’s also a time to reflect on our own relationship to nature and the environment as well as the ways that we can further support the greater environmental cause. During this time of year, we are drawn to the words of botanist and Indigenous author Robin Kimmerer about the Honorable Harvest and concepts of reciprocity.

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Big Ideas, Super Nature Kids Michael Murawski Big Ideas, Super Nature Kids Michael Murawski

Connecting with and Learning from Our Sky

Through our work with schools and teachers throughout this past year, we’ve been focusing on ways to envision nature and the outdoors as something we can all experience together and share. One current project with fourth graders at the Rio del Sol School in Oxnard, California, has been using the sky to build these connections through observation, learning, reflection, and creative design.

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Big Ideas Michael Murawski Big Ideas Michael Murawski

Being Present in the New Year

The beginning of a new year is an important time to learn how to be present in the moment, in the here and now. Through all the joy and grief we might be experiencing as we transition into the new year of 2021, we can all benefit from practicing a few new habits of gratitude, care, mindfulness, and personal reflection.

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Super Nature Kids Bryna Campbell Super Nature Kids Bryna Campbell

Observing and Celebrating Winter Solstice

Winter solstice is a wonderful time for families with kids to connect with the outdoors. This phenomenon can remind us of how we connect to the night sky and solar system, and gives us time to reflect on the values of rest and hibernation that we see in so many animals and plants this time of year. Need ideas to mark the winter solstice with your kids this year? Here are four ideas to help get you started.

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